Steady Optimal Posture



Only iBITE© holds it all in a sole device!

+39 334 6382032
  1) Split for easy breathing.

In iBITE© body an appropriate "split" is made to allow the user easily breathe. This conception comes from Formula1 and avoids holes or slots, or other worse solutions, that could weaken the device.

2) High definition teeth impression.

iBITE exclusive high definition impression, ensures a stable positioning in mouth; moreover, it provides the largest contact surface in its category. That's why iBITE© is specially performant, comfortable and safe!

3) Upper teeth arch fitting.

To weigh down on lower jaw, is like to weigh down on your engine's rods, or bike's wheels or on your skis. So we thought up how to properly fit iBITE© on the upper teeth arch, in a secure way and without any kind of metal clips, so lower jaw is free to gently and lightly open!

4) High definition customization.

iBITE customization is made in real-time and at 1/1000mm preciseness. User has the chance to try his device and ask for the best fitting, until he's fully satisfied. We can customize iBITE© until it becomes so comfortable as it was not in the mouth!!!


how it is made